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Conservation Strategies, Inc. (CSI) has been providing professional wildlife management services to employers and clients since 1971, specializing in environmental impact assessments, field habitat studies, and direct management of state fish and wildlife programs. Examples of successful wildlife management projects and programs managed by Conservation Strategies, Inc. and/or its principal consultant, Joe LaTourrette include:
  • As subcontractor to larger consulting firms such as HNTB, Entrix, and Huitt-Zollars, CSI has prepared wildlife habitat assessments for large construction and habitat restoration projects in Washington state, including the Stevens Pass Greenway (SR-2) Greenway Corridor Management Plan (WSDOT), and park master plans for Pierce County, Adams County and the City of Othello, Washington.
  • As primary contractor for the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, Spokane, Washington, CSI completed Proper Functioning Condition (PFC) assessments of rivers, streams, and wetland habitats on BLM lands in northeast and north-central Washington. CSI  teamed with Northwest Environmental Consultants on this two-year project. Field work and PFC assessments were completed during the 1997 and 1998 field seasons.
  • Since 1992 and 1994 respectively, principal consultant Joe LaTourrette  coordinated the Washington state activities of the Pacific Coast Joint Venture and Intermountain West Joint Venture, two of eleven public-private partnerships established and funded by Congress and the states to implement the habitat objectives of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan. Coordination activities contracted through 2009 included strategic planning, fundraising, public outreach, and creation of public-private partnerships to protect, restore, and enhance critical wetlands and associated upland habitat.
  • Over a ten-year period, from 1979-1988, Joe LaTourrette held a number of management positions at the Washington Department of Wildlife, including Legislative Director, Chief Planner, Endangered Species Program Manager, and Assistant Director.  As Assistant Director, he supervised the wildlife management, fisheries management, habitat management, research, planning and legislative functions of the agency.
  • For about five years, from 1971 through 1976, Joe LaTourrette worked for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, preparing environmental assessments and impact statements for proposed water resource and river navigation projects.  Worked as an employee for Sacramento (CA) and Huntington (WV) Districts and as a consultant to the Wilmington (NC) District.

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